A New Gold Standard Needs The Right Gold Price
Right now, the U.S. economy is limping through the second year of its second “lost decade” in a row. The total number of people with jobs is no higher than it was seven years ago. Adjusted for inflation (via the GDP deflator), the Dow Jones Industrial Average is 18% below where it was at the end of 1999.
One of the hopeful signs is that there is more and more public discussion of the biggest single cause of our economic woes. This is, of course, our undefined, unstable U.S. dollar, under the mismanagement of our ever-more-dysfunctional Federal Reserve.
From 1790 until 1973, when the U.S. publicly abandoned the last vestiges of the gold standard, the U.S. economy grew an average annual real rate of 3.96%. In the 38 years since then, our GDP growth rate has averaged 2.66%.
The slower economic growth rate under the fiat money regime has had an enormous negative impact. If our economy had continued to grow at 3.96% real from 1973 on, 2011 GDP would have been 61% larger. Everyone’s income would be at least 50% higher, and the federal budget would be running a $700 billion surplus, despite our current wildly excessive federal spending.
Unstable money suppresses GDP growth by disrupting the process of capital formation. Real GDP is a function of the quantity of “produced assets” that our economy has to work with. For the past 60 years, GDP has always equaled approximately 0.07 times residential assets plus 0.48 times nonresidential assets. Accordingly, what drives GDP growth is capital investment in nonresidential assets.
In 1919, John Maynard Keynes described the problem caused by unstable money as follows:
“As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors, which form the ultimate foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless; and the process of wealth-getting degenerates into a gamble and a lottery.”
So, while it is true that America has increasingly degenerated into a “casino economy”, the croupier is the Fed, not Wall Street. The Fed created the game. Wall Street merely plays it.
It is not possible to sustain rapid economic growth without a stable, defined dollar. Although the value of “the dollar” could, in principle, be defined in terms of anything possessing market value, the time-tested “people’s choice” would be to once again to define the dollar in terms of gold. In an op-ed published in The Wall Street Journal on May 13, Herman Cain called for a return to a stable, gold-defined dollar.
Money is the most powerful force in the economy, and it is therefore also the most dangerous. If we were to move to a gold-defined dollar, it would be crucial to get the design of the new system completely right. The Great Depression was caused by the failure of the poorly designed gold standard of the time.
In particular, it is vital that gold itself not be used as money. Any “gold standard” where the size of the monetary base is constrained by the physical availability of gold will eventually suffer a deflationary collapse. Accordingly, a viable gold standard would simply define the value of “the dollar” in terms of the market value of a specific amount of gold.
It is customary to talk about the value of a gold defined currency in terms of the price of gold in that currency. For example, under the Bretton Woods monetary system, which existed from 1948 to 1971, gold was defined in terms of a gold price of $35.00/oz. This means that the Fed was supposed to keep the value of the dollar equal to that of 1/35th of an ounce of gold.
As this is written, gold is trading at $1561.20/oz. In the past year, its market price has varied between $1483.00/oz and $1895.00/oz.
Two leading advocates of a return to a gold defined dollar have recently weighed in on the question of the gold price at which the value of the dollar should be stabilized. Writing for RealClearMarkets on May 22, John Tamny recommended a gold price of $800/oz, which is approximately equal to the average over the past 10 years. In a Forbes.com article published on May 24, Nathan Lewis suggested a gold price of $1600/oz.
If and when we return to a gold-defined dollar, it is critical that we get the gold price right. While a defect in the basic design of a new gold standard would cause problems over time, an error in setting the value of the dollar in terms of gold could have immediate, and potentially catastrophic, consequences.
One reason for the 2:1 spread between the gold prices recommended by Tamny and Lewis is that their goals are somewhat different. Lewis’ senior consideration is to avoid repeating the mistake made by England when it returned to the gold standard after WWI. By setting the price too low, England imposed a crushing deflation on its economy. Lewis is certainly correct that fixing the dollar to gold at $1600/oz would not produce deflation.
Tamny would accept a $1600/oz gold price if that were the only path to a defined dollar, but he would prefer a gold price of $800/oz because he believes that this would help purge the economy of the excesses that have built up during the long period of dollar debasement.
Unconventional Logic believes that it would be both dangerous and unnecessary for the architects of a new gold-defined dollar to choose the gold price at which the value of the dollar would be stabilized. After all, it is discretion (on the part of the Fed) that got us into our current monetary crisis. If we are to seek salvation through a rules-based monetary system, it only makes sense that the gold price be set by the application of a rule, and not via discretion exercised by “experts”.
It is possible to imagine catastrophic consequences to setting the value of the dollar in terms of either a gold price of $800 or $1600/oz. In The Golden Constant, Roy Jastram argued that, over time, gold maintains its value in terms of the general price level. If Jastram is correct (and he may well be), the gold price that would be consistent with today’s general price level would be around $225/oz. In such a case, setting a gold price of either $800/oz or $1600/oz would produce a huge increase in the general price level.
In the scenario described above, stabilizing the dollar at a gold price of $800/oz would quickly reduce the purchasing power of the dollar by 72%. A gold price of $1600/oz would cut the dollar’s value by 86%. Either case would devastate the value of private pensions and annuities, as well as 401k plans with significant holdings of bonds.
The point here is not that gold is “really” worth $225/oz. There is no way for any “expert” to know what the “right” price of gold would be. A rules-based system must be devised that would cause the markets to discover the correct gold price for defining the value of the dollar. We have depended upon discretion exercised by monetary “experts” for too long already.
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